music fantasy drama
The music fantasy drama the Birds Nest•Attraction is a high-level performance fixed in National Stadium Birds Nest and National Aquatics Center Water Cube.
The music fantasy drama the Birds Nest•Attraction is a high-level performance fixed in National Stadium Birds Nest and National Aquatics Center Water Cube. It had been performed 125 times in the past 5 years in Birds Nest and Water Cube, which had attracted more than 900 thousand audiences on site. In 2017, the audio-visual feast has performed 20 times in Water Cube from 29th June to 30th July. Audiocenter provided audio system for the whole performance.
Here are the audio systems for the performance:
Stage PA system: 3 clusters (8pcs for each cluster) V-HAL15+MKII vertical line array hanged on the left, middle and right side, with 4pcs SW218 subwoofers placed on the left, middle and right side respectively
Stage compensation system: 4pcs K-LA compact line array speakers on the left and right side of the stage
Ambiophonic system: 10pcs IS12+ multipurpose compact loudspeakers
Stage monitor system: 4pcs IS12+ and 2pcs IS15+ multipurpose compact loudspeakers
VIP area compensation system: 2pcs IS+ multipurpose compact loudspeakers
With the dreamlike stage, glaring light, dynamic sound and moving story, the Birds Nest•Attraction won high reputation.

The Experience